We've been using Tarsia , TaskMagic and Triptico resources (the three Ts) for months - in some cases, for years - in our MFL lessons. Today, we have run a full day of Theory Club with our students who are taking the ABRSM Theory exam next Tuesday. We did the usual - had loads of theory sheets to hand, mini whiteboard pens laminated past-exam papers etc. However, in addition, we had the trhee Ts to hand. Thanks to @valleseco, we discovered putting pictures into Tarsia only this week (thanks!) and put images of tonic triads, of key signatures, key musical images onto the cards, to be matched to their "word version". At the start of they day, they completed a Tarsia (against the clock) and then twice later in the day, tried to 'beat their time' - all recorded on the whiteboard. A colleague prepared 'order it' and 'spinner' activities using Triptico which were brilliant to facilitte discussion with the children. TaskMagic was brilliant for sorting other ways of matching definitions to 'header words'. We teach music and MFL every day of the week, but in our Music room, we have no projector etc., as a result, we forget that the things we so readily use in MFL lessons are neglected in Music. What a liberating day. At the end of the day, we genuinely couldn't believe how quickly the four hours of theory flew by - engagement and involvement were both excellent. Oh, and progress? By the end of today, children who regularly attain 68-74 were attaining between 76 and 92! Progress was definitely made.
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